Addiction Programs

The Out of the Miry Clay programs are an interactive journey of healing, deliverance and transformation through faith in Jesus Christ. A journey of discovery. Discovery of your new identity in Christ, in pinpointing the causative issues that made you susceptible to sexual addiction and a discovery of just how loved and valued you are by your Creator.

Out of the Miry Clay teaches the new identity in Christ the apostle Paul taught the early church; that one is a “new creation” that has been “created according to God in true righteousness and holiness.” It teaches how to “put off concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” and how to “put on the new man” through being “renewed in the spirit of your mind”.

There’s a supernatural transformation in behavior when someone who struggles with sexual or pornographic addiction accepts the truth about their new identity in Christ. This is because a person cannot consistently behave contrary to who they believe themselves to be, and we become on the outside what we believe of ourselves on the inside.

Take this journey, play an active part in your transformation, and experience the freedom that Jesus has already made available to you. Know who you are in Christ. Believe who you are in Christ. Be who you are in Christ. If you’ll BELIEVE right, you’ll LIVE right.

*20% of program sales are donated to helping victims of sexual abuse.

Out of the Miry Clay self-paced interactive program is available now on Amazon;

For information and pricing on our Addiction Group packages, contact us at