Welcome to Out of the Miry Clay Ministries, Inc.

Out of the Miry Clay: Programs for incarcerated offenders and sexual addicts

Out of the Miry Clay transformation programs are currently available to provide healing, forgiveness and transformation through faith in Christ and the new identity He has given to those who believe. Our motto is “If you’ll BELIEVE right, you’ll LIVE right”. We teach the new identity in Christ the apostle Paul taught the early church; that one is a “new creation” that has been “created according to God in true righteousness and holiness.” We teach addicts how to “put off, concerning (their) former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” and put on “the new man” through being “renewed in the spirit of (their) mind”.

There’s a supernatural transformation in behavior when someone who struggles with sexual/pornographic addiction accepts the truth about their new identity. This is because a person cannot consistently behave contrary to who they believe themself to be, and we become on the outside what we believe of ourselves on the inside. When someone believes that they are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, they will begin to live like they are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. But one must first know who they are in Christ before they can be who they are in Christ.

How we do this: We offer self-paced scripture-based workbook programs for those struggling with sexual/pornographic addiction that guide people in their journey to freedom. Visit our Addictions Program page for more information and how you can purchase these transformational materials.

We are also offering addiction group packages that are available for our church and various ministry communities. Packages come with mentor guides, PowerPoint presentations and workbooks. Contact us here for more information as well as group packages and pricing.

New Song Ministry:

20% of all program sales are donated to other programs that provide counseling, medical and general services to victims of sexual abuse.